How To Download Bluestacks Faster

Play faster with the new bluestacks 4.
How to download bluestacks faster. Increase the memory bar to allot more ram access to bluestacks. Launch bluestacks and click on the settings icon from its home interface. Click the settings button at the top right of bluestacks to open a menu. You can also download bluestacks latest and old versions from our website we also serve bluestacks download links. For further customization select the highest value of cpu cores.
This will then increase performance. How to increase performance in bluestacks version 4 200 and below. You can also download the updated version of bluestacks which is bluestacks 2 and bluestacks 3 from its official website. If you still want bluestacks to be faster then search and download the updates provided by the developers. Do not forget to share with us the results of the performance boost you get.
If the download update button appears click on it. Click the engine tab on the left of the settings window. Bluestacks will then download the latest available version of the emulator. In the engine tab scroll down to the performance section as illustrated below. Navigate to the engine tab.
Select settings to open a window that includes further options for the software. Next in the engine tab allocate a greater amount of ram and cpu cores. To do this navigate to the settings menu by clicking on the gear icon on the side toolbar. Navigate to the about tab and hit the check for updates button. Launch the installer once it s done downloading.
Let it open the settings tab to help you get the advanced options. Open settings in bluestacks by either clicking on the hamburger menu and navigating to settings or by clicking on the gear icon on the bottom right of the sidebar as shown below 2. We invite all players to try out the new bluestacks 4. Download the new bluestacks 4 now. Then drag the memory bar to the right to increase the amount of ram allocated to bluestacks.