How To Spell Fahrenheit

How to spell fahrenheit correct spelling of fahrenheit how is fahrenheit spelled spell check fahrenheit how do you spell.
How to spell fahrenheit. Fahrenheit is an english scale still widely. How to say fahrenheit. How to pronounce fahrenheit. That is the correct spelling of the proper noun fahrenheit a temperature scale originated around 1724 by german physicist daniel fahrenheit 1686 1736. How do you spell fahrenheit in english.
Despite it being a common name many people still spell it wrongly. Fair uhn heyet a temperature scale used primarily in the united states in which the freezing point of water is 32 degrees and the boiling point 212 degrees. There are many correct ways to spell fahrenheit depending on the language room you reside in. Temperatures in this scale are denoted by f or in scientific usage f alone. Fah ren heit ˈfer ən ˌhīt.
How to pronounce fahrenheit audio ˈfa rən ˈfär ən. Of a measurement of temperature on a standard in which 32 is the temperature at which water. This names correct english spelling is. Compare celsius.