How To Use Et Al In Research

With in text citation is there.
How to use et al in research. Here is how this could look. Apa format requires that you cite all of the authors at the first mention if there are three four or five and use et al afterward. Mla uses et al for works with three or more authors while chicago calls for using it with four or more authors. For six or more authors the first author and et al. On the subsequent citations for three four or five authors.
Any time you have more than two authors the potential for using et al. According to lai and sookochoff 2018. If using a different style guide be sure to reference the corresponding manual as rules can differ. If you re referencing sources with many of the same authors spell out as many names as possible before using et al until there is no room for confusion. Dusek bakke 2019 or.
In apa 7 for a work with three or more authors list the first author and et al for all citations including the first citation unless doing so would create. After the first author. If there are at least six authors then you may use et al from the first mention. Modern language association mla style manual. As such the first citation should spell out all their names and any subsequent citation can include et al.