How To Write Et Al

Citations to works with three authors can either.
How to write et al. Means and others and abbreviates people in a list while etc. A period is always used after et al since the term is used to abbreviate the latin term et alii there are several rules however both formal and informal that are required for proper usage of et al. Then write et al. Harvard referencing citing three authors it is generally agreed amongst universities that et al. The al in et al is always followed by a period.
Harris et al 2001 or harris et al. One again use the first author s last name only. This can also be used to refer to locations. 2001 modern language association mla style manual. Is used when there are 4 or more authors.
Apart with a comma and some don t. 1 give all three names the first time and thereafter use et al. This is because the term is an abbreviation of the latin phrase et alia the period indicates that it is an abbreviation. For example if you went on a trip you could use et alibi when writing down the places and hotels you visited so you don t have to name all of them. When it follows more than one name some publications set et al.
A quirk of et al. So when et al. In apa 7 for a work with three or more authors list the first author and et al for all citations including the first citation unless doing so would create ambiguity. Note that this rule has changed from apa 6 guidelines on using et al which recommend listing all author names in the first citation up to five authors but then using et al for the second and subsequent citations. For more than three authors a practice also favored by the chicago manual of style 2 whereas cambridge university press for its stm science technology medicine books says.
Throughout but citations to. For the second reference the two remaining names can be abbreviated to et al. So if you have worked through a reference and only one name is left to abbreviate you must spell out all the names every time to tell the two apart. Finally be careful of a quirk of et al which is that it is plural that is it must replace at least two names or put another way it cannot stand for only one name. And the other that uses and or.